Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To STAC, With Love

With all of the visual art in STAC art 'To Sir, With Love' was a nice, aesthetic way to wrap up the week. Personally I loved the movie, but didn't know what to say at first. I think the movie really sparked a sense of reality in me. I felt as if I was brought back to what real life is from the haze of just floating through. When Mr. Thackery began teaching the kids through life lessons rather than lessons pertaining to curriculum the kids instantly began to change and, personally wanting to be a teacher, found this really inspiring. I want to stir that kind of interest in learning within my students in the future, and I want to be stirred like that. I would love to work with a teacher so dedicated to just the subject of getting kids prepared to go out into the world. I'm worried for college and am hoping to find teachers that want to prepare me for life rather than grade some papers and forget about me after the semester. It was an eye opening experience to see that movie and hope it will continue to stay with me throughout my preparations for real life.

I think I am gaining a little bit of skill in STAC art as well. When we started working on the Busby Berkely works it felt like I had an idea for what to do almost instantly and so far am rather happy with what has come out of it. I do though need to ask for more help with the blending tool and ebony pencil. I would love to learn how to use it but for now do not think I have the skill. Hopefully someone in STAC can help me work it out. I actually want to produce good projects in STAC Art this year. I felt that last year was a little lackluster. I need to try to improve my work as an artist in all fields

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post - honest and sincere.

    Now, your writing here is so clear and authentic and organic, whereas in your review it seems less like you, less like your true voice.

    True voice - most essential.
