Friday, September 17, 2010

STAC 2010/2011 (The first full week)

I came into this year quite skeptical about how STAC would turn out, although that's not to say it was without excitement. This year I was not going to be a newbie. I was officially an oldie and that in itself brought a bit a new perspective on the year from the start. When we opened the year up with 'The Prisoner' I was immediately drawn in by what seemed like nothing short of genius.

Immediately I felt like the title was going to give us something in an actual prison or prison camp, but instead, while remaining a 'prisoner' the character is brought into this village with it's own strange ambiance. An independently functioning village run by big brother and guarded by a giant balloon (The Rover). I loved the idea that the show's title created a bait and switch that in itself was not really a bait and switch.

The camera angles were something else that I found to be astonishing. The shots were all meant to create a sense of paranoia and to render the viewer inept of forming full concept of what the village actually is. There is no sense of depth, or distance or even relative conciseness. The camera is frantic in order to not only convey the paranoia of the characters but to create that state within the viewer so that the viewer becomes on par with the character for a new way of relation, yet a reframing and a dissonance because the viewer is indeed what the title suggests, a viewer, a voyeur, the "bad guys" while trying to relate to the "Good Guy" (Number 6).

There's really something to say about that, it feels like some of the stuff we did last year with Brechtian Technique. I feel like I am seeing it more and more in this show. Refreaming things so that the are not actually what we see and feel.

I feel like the camera angles and the shots that were taken are so strong that I would like to use some of the techniques in the next film I make in STAC, maybe even the Be Kind Rewind Protocol movie that it was hinted to that we were going to do.

I really hope this gets down. I'm excited for this year.

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