Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Third Time's The Charm

This workshop seemed to flow a lot better. Maybe it was because I didn't have to listen to about three guitars wailing on the fucking Journey song. I did like what we did this time because it was something that I could actually learn. We did some blues basics and I feel like that was something simple enough for me to learn without really freaking out. Nobody in the room really knew much about the blues that we were playing (Save for John but it wasn't like he was a master of blues guitar) and we all moved slowly towards sounding really good. I actually settled in comfortably with the blues that we were playing rather quickly. It was a pattern of notes that let me play around with the rhythm and that made it fun.

I think this is a step in the right direction. I am actually getting something out of this workshop other than sitting there to hit the same notes of that dumb band's song that shouldn't have ever been popular anyway. If a little girl can match your pitch by straining her voice upward and the lyrics sound like they are from her "Dear Diary" entries then there is something a tad wrong with your song.

I was very happy, though, when Freddie just came out and said "Bobby you can't play the blues on the metal setting, with all of the distortion no one can really hear what notes you are playing" After that I think Bobby learned that he can't just dick around and do whatever he wants. I hope the next workshop is more of a learning experience like this one was rather than just playing awful music.

1 comment:

  1. "If a little girl can match your pitch by straining her voice upward and the lyrics sound like they are from her "Dear Diary" entries then there is something a tad wrong with your song."

    This is a classic!

    There can be more blues. Heck, I LOVE the blues! It's actually the thing I do the best.

    I'm glad it is better.

    Now - I need you to hang onto this idea, or this question, as it were (I suppose a question is an idea): drawing the other day started out as something you hated, and then, in the end, you became very involved and got a great drawing out of it. The workshop started out as something you hated, and then it became something that brought satisfaction to you. Why?

    Don't yet even TRY to answer this question, just read the words above and let them into your brain, don't think about them consciously.

    We will access this question later.
